Please read before posting any files here.

If you have a package, script or some other file that you would like to share and it is specifically written for the Distro, feel free to use this forum to post it. Please include a description, usage instructions, if necessary, and any special installation instructions.

Moderators: POL Developer, Distro Developer

Distro Developer
Posts: 2825
Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:41 pm

Please read before posting any files here.

Post by Yukiko »

The intention for this forum is for scripters to submit packages or scripts that do not require modifications to be compatible with the Distro. Packages, whenever possible, should be drop-in and go, or "plug and play" if you prefer.

Should a package require a special include file, then place that include file in the /include directory in your package and make the necessary adjustments to any references to it in your package scripts, eg.

Code: Select all

include ":your package name:special include file"
Also, any submitted packages or scripts must be compatible with the systems in the Distro.

I think I have covered the basics but I may update this post if need be.