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Hey, blckfire here!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 7:39 am
by blckfire
Since, I was the one making these suggestions here I leave my "Hello World".

I'm from Portugal and I'm currently working on an amazing RP shard and community called Pangaea, which is also featured in the polserver website, here.

The server has suffered some highs and lows and we are now with a new team trying to port this old but fantastic shard to POL99 from it's relic POL96/95 code.

The main problem, with us, is that the code was developed by several people, and, like in a lot of other software projects, the code is not standardized. Therefore, I must review every single line of code several times before getting the idea, so that I can port it to POL99 in a more prettier way. I'm trying to do a 2 in 1, clean the code and port.

As a side note, I advise everybody knew to programming to always try and comment your code. It makes things easier for others and for yourself also. I'll write something about it pretty soon in the guides section...

For the moment, we are working to put the server back up before the end of the month, but still in POL96 version, while this keeps our player base happy our efforts will always be on trying to upgrade the server to POL99.

As for my experience with POL, I've only started with POL couple of months back and because of that I've only been able to scratch the surface of all the features it has, but hopefully I'll be able to put them to their best use, which reminds me, that I also plan on writing a more in depth guide on how to take full advantage of the events driven model POL provides.

Well, that's about it. I hope more people will come forth and share their experiences with us.

Re: Hey, blckfire here!

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 5:01 pm
by earoquette
Hello POL community,

I'm from Brazil.
I had played UO more than 7 years in games such as ZuluHotel, Chaotic-Realm etc. My inicial idea is to manage a WarShard based on the gameplay of my experiences.

I had exactly 2 Warshards - fast and fun gameplay - and since then I want to start learning POL's code and create a new shard.

So, that's it!

Re: Hey, blckfire here!

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 12:07 am
by Nando
Bem vindos ;) (brasileiro aqui)

Welcome! I would like to remind you two that we also have an IRC channel (#POL @ It's been quiet over there, but once in a while people show up. :D