But maybe with questions, we can refine it and make a bigger tutorial. Starting with runecl.exe rather than POL to get into how a lot of concepts work.
I was discussing with someone in #POL tonight who was having an error in his script.
You can test this in runecl.exe
Code: Select all
Program SomeScript()
... some code
var info_a := 20;
var info_b := 40;
var info_c := 20;
var result := Bravo(info_a, info_c);
function Bravo(something_n, something_y)
.... some code
if ( something_n == something_y )
return 1;
return 0;
Once Alpha has stepped into Bravo, the variables will be identified as something_n and something_y - The name is not important, the order of calling Bravo is.
Since info_a and info_b both contain 20, Bravo will return the value 1 to Alpha and result will then contain 1.