POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

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Distro Developer
Posts: 2825
Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:41 pm

POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by Yukiko »

Below is my update to the escript.properties file for the Scite text editor to provide proper syntax highlighting for the various keywords in POL 0.98. If you find any errors please feel free to post the corrections and if you would kindly email me a copy of the corrected file I would appreciate it. I intentionally did not include the constants from the client.inc which were in the original file from etheria because my client.inc file has been highly customized and would contain erroneous values for other users.

Code: Select all

#  ... proudly presented by:
# www.Etheria.org - roleplaying realism at it's best!
# scite e-script extension config file
# (c) by patrizio bekerle (aka. omega)
# email: patrizio@bekerle.com
# url: 	www.bekerle.com
#	www.etheria.org
# version 1.2.1 - matches pol095-2003-07-02
# version updated to match POL 0.98 on 2009-08-15 by Yukiko

# the directory of the ecompile.exe

# Notes and hints to customice this file (by Firedancer)
# There are 3 'types' of highlighted variables. My default setting has these:
#  - function calls & methods (orange)
#  - members & .em filenames (purple)
#  - pol base commands & constants (light purple/brownish)
# you can change this by simply copying a group of entries from one section
# to the other, just remember all lines must end with a '\' safe for the 
# last one in each section.
# In order to change text-highlighting colors, look below for:
#   keyword    (...also keywords2 and keywords3)
#   style.escript.5=fore:#ff4000
#  ... the value behind fore is the color.

# Define SciTE settings for ESCRIPT files.
filter.escript=E-Script (src inc cfg em)|$(file.patterns.escript)|


command.compile.*.src="$(ECOMPILEHOME)\ecompile.exe" $(FileNameExt)

# default
# comment
# line comment
# doc comment
# number
# keyword
# double quoted string
# operators
#~ identifiers
# braces
# keywords2
# keywords3
#~ braces are only matched in brace style

# Note: i cheated... comments here are indeed keywords....
#       but I guess noone types e.g. #-----basic.em---- in code!
# *******************************************************************************
# 			  KEYWORD LIST 1:
# 		      Function calls & Methods
# *******************************************************************************
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#+++pol_core_function_calls+++++++++ \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#-----attributes.em------ \
alterattributetemporarymod \
baseskilltorawskill \
checkskill \
getattribute \
getattributebasevalue \
getattributecap \
getattributedefaultcap \
getattributeintrinsicmod \
getattributelock \
getattributename \
getattributetemporarymod \
rawskilltobaseskill \
setattributebasevalue \
setattributecap \
setattributelock \
setattributetemporarymod \
#-----basic.em----- \
bin \
casc \
cascz \
cchr \
cchrz \
cdbl \
cint \
cstr \
compare \
find \
hex \
len \
lower \
pack \
sizeof \
splitwords \
strreplace \
substr \
substrreplace \
trim \
typeof \
unpack \
upper \
print \
#--------boat.em----------- \
boatfromitem \
moveboat \
moveboatrelative \
moveboatxy \
registeritemwithboat \
systemfindboatbyserial \
turnboat \
#--------cfgfile.em -------- \
appendconfigfileelem \
findconfigelem \
getconfigint \
getconfigintkeys \
getconfigmaxintkey \
getconfigreal \
getconfigstring \
getconfigstringarray \
getconfigstringdictionary \
getconfigstringkeys \
listconfigelemprops \
loadtusscpfile \
readconfigfile \
unloadconfigfile \
#--------cliloc.em--------- \
printtextabovecl \
printtextaboveprivatecl \
sendsysmessagecl \
#--------datafile.em------- \
createdatafile \
listdatafiles \
opendatafile \
unloaddatafile \
#--------file.em----------- \
appendtofile \
fileexists \
logtofile \
readfile \
writefile \
#-------guilds.em------- \
createguild \
destroyguild \
findguild \
listguilds \
#--------http.em----------- \
queryip \
queryparam \
writehtml \
writehtmlraw \
#--------math.em----------- \
acos \
asin \
atan \
abs \
ceil \
conste \
constpi \
cos \
degtorad \
floor \
formatrealtostring \
log10 \
loge \
max \
min \
pow \
radtodeg \
root \
sin \
sqrt \
tan \
#--------npc.em------------ \
canmove \
face \
getproperty \
islegalmove \
makeboundingbox \
move \
position \
runawayfrom \
runawayfromlocation \
runtoward \
runtowardlocation \
say \
sayuc \
self \
setanchor \
setopponent \
setproperty \
setwarmode \
turnawayfrom \
turnawayfromlocation \
turntoward \
turntowardlocation \
walkawayfrom \
walkawayfromlocation \
walktoward \
walktowardlocation \
wander \
#--------os.em------------- \
clear_event_queue \
create_debug_context \
events_waiting \
getprocess \
getpid \
is_critical \
openurl \
run_script \
run_script_to_completion \
set_critical \
set_debug \
set_event_queue_size \
set_priority \
set_script_option \
sleep \
sleepms \
start_script \
syslog \
system_rpm \
unload_scripts \
wait_for_event \
#--------party.em--------- \
createparty \
disbandparty \
sendpartymsg \
sendprivatepartymsg \
#--------polsys.em--------- \
createpacket \
getcmdlevelname \
getcmdlevelnumber \
getitemdescriptor \
getpackagebyname \
increvision \
listtextcommands \
listenpoints \
packages \
readmillisecondclock \
realms \
reloadconfiguration \
setsystraypopuptext \
#-----storage.em------- \
createrootiteminstoragearea \
createstoragearea \
destroyrootiteminstoragearea \
findrootiteminstoragearea \
findstoragearea \
storageareas \
#--------unicode.em-------- \
broadcastuc \
printtextaboveprivateuc \
printtextaboveuc \
requestinputuc \
sendsysmessageuc \
#--------uo.em------------- \
accessible \
addamount \
addmenuitem \
applyconstraint \
assignrecttoweatherregion \
attach \
broadcast \
canceltarget \
checklineofsight \
checklosat \
checklosbetween \
closegump \
closetradewindow \
consumereagents \
consumesubstance \
coordinatedistance \
createaccount \
createitematlocation \
createitemcopyatlocation \
createiteminbackpack \
createitemincontainer \
createitemininventory \
createmenu \
createmultiatlocation \
createnpcfromtemplate \
destroyitem \
destroymulti \
detach \
disableevents \
disconnectclient \
distance \
enableevents \
enumerateitemsincontainer \
enumerateonlinecharacters \
equipfromtemplate \
equipitem \
eraseglobalproperty \
eraseobjproperty \
findaccount \
findobjtypeincontainer \
findpath \
findsubstance \
getamount \
getcommandhelp \
getcoordsinline \
getequipmentbylayer \
getfacing \
getglobalproperty \
getglobalpropertynames \
getharvestdifficulty \
getmapinfo \
getmenuobjtypes \
getmultidimensions \
getobjproperty \
getobjpropertynames \
getobjtype \
getobjtypebyname \
getregionname \
getregionnameatlocation \
getregionstring \
getspelldifficulty \
getstandingheight \
getstandinglayers \
getworldheight \
grantprivilege \
harvestresource \
isstackable \
listaccounts \
listequippeditems \
listghostsnearlocation \
listhostiles \
listitemsatlocation \
listitemsnearlocation \
listitemsnearlocationoftype \
listitemsnearlocationwithflag \
listmobilesinlineofsight \
listmobilesnearlocation \
listmobilesnearlocationex \
listmultisinbox \
listobjectsinbox \
liststaticsatlocation \
liststaticsinbox \
liststaticsnearlocation \
moveitemtocontainer \
moveitemtosecuretradewin \
moveobjecttolocation \
openpaperdoll \
performaction \
playlightningbolteffect \
playmovingeffect \
playmovingeffectex \
playmovingeffectxyz \
playmovingeffectxyzex \
playmusic \
playobjectcenteredeffect \
playobjectcenteredeffectex \
playsoundeffect \
playsoundeffectxyz \
playsoundeffectprivate \
playstationaryeffect \
playstationaryeffectex \
polcore \
printtextabove \
printtextaboveprivate \
readgameclock \
registerforspeechevents \
releaseitem \
requestinput \
reserveitem \
restartscript \
resurrect \
revokeprivilege \
saveworldstate \
securetradewin \
selectcolor \
selectmenuitem2 \
sendbuywindow \
sendcharacterracechanger \
senddialoggump \
sendevent \
sendinstaresdialog \
sendopenbook \
sendopenspecialcontainer \
sendpacket \
sendquestarrow \
sendsellwindow \
sendskillwindow \
sendstatus \
sendstringastipwindow \
sendsysmessage \
sendtextentrygump \
sendviewcontainer \
setglobalproperty \
setname \
setobjproperty \
setregionlightlevel \
setregionweatherlevel \
setscriptcontroller \
shutdown \
speakpowerwords \
startspelleffect \
subtractamount \
systemfindobjectbyserial \
target \
targetcoordinates \
targetmultiplacement \
updatemobile \
useitem \
#--------util.em-------- \
randomdiceroll \
randomfloat \
randomint \
randomintminmax \
strformattime \
#-------vitals.em-------- \
applydamage \
applyrawdamage \
consumemana \
consumevital \
getvital \
getvitalmaximumvalue \
getvitalname \
getvitalregenrate \
healdamage \
recalcvitals \
setvital \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#+++pol_core_object_methods+++++++++ \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#---account--- \
addcharacter \
ban \
checkpassword \
delete \
deletecharacter \
disable \
enable \
eraseprop \
getcharacter \
getprop \
move_char \
propnames \
setname \
setdefaultcmdlevel \
setpassword \
setprop \
set_uo_expansion \
split \
unban \
#---armor--- \
#---array--- \
append \
erase \
exists \
insert \
reverse \
shrink \
size \
sort \
#---AuxConnection--- \
transmit \
#---boat--- \
move_offline_mobiles \
#---character--- \
attack_once \
cleargottenitem \
compareversion \
disable \
enable \
enabled \
getgottenitem \
kill \
removereportable \
setcmdlevel \
setcriminal \
setfacing \
setlightlevel \
setmurderer \
setparalyzed \
setpoisoned \
setwarmode \
spendgold \
squelch \
#---container--- \
#---corpse--- \
#---Datafile_Element--- \
eraseprop \
getprop \
propnames \
setprop \
#---Datafile--- \
createelement \
deleteelement \
findelement \
keys \
#---Datastore--- \
CreateDataFile \
OpenDataFile \
UnloadDataFile \
#---Dictionary--- \
erase \
exists \
insert \
keys \
size \
#---door--- \
close \
open \
toggle \
#---equipment--- \
#---error--- \
#---guild--- \
addallyguild \
addenemyguild \
addmember \
eraseprop \
getprop \
isallyguild \
isenemyguild \
ismember \
propnames \
removeallyguild \
removeenemyguild \
removemember \
setprop \
#---house--- \
add_component \
erase_component \
#---item--- \
#---lockable--- \
#---map--- \
appendpin \
erasepin \
getpins \
insertpin \
#---multi--- \
#---npc--- \
canmove \
privileges \
setmaster \
#---Packet--- \
GetInt16 \
GetInt16Flipped \
GetInt32 \
GetInt32Flipped \
GetInt8 \
GetSize \
GetString \
GetUnicodeString \
GetUnicodeStringFlipped \
SendAreaPacket \
SendPacket \
SetInt16 \
SetInt16Flipped \
SetInt32 \
SetInt32Flipped \
SetInt8 \
SetSize \
SetString \
SetUnicodeString \
SetUnicodeStringFlipped \
#---Party--- \
addcandidate \
addmember \
eraseprop \
getprop \
propnames \
removecandidate \
removemember \
setleader \
setprop \
#---Pol_Core--- \
clear_script_profile_counters \
log_profile \
set_priority_divide \
#---Script--- \
clear_event_queue \
kill \
sendevent \
#---String--- \
exists \
insert \
keys \
size \
#---uo_object--- \
eraseprop \
get_member \
getprop \
isa \
propnames \
set_member \
setprop \
#---weapon--- \

# *******************************************************************************
# 			  KEYWORD LIST 1:
# 		      Function calls & Methods
# *******************************************************************************
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#++pol_object_members+++++++++++++++ \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#---uo_object--- \
color \
facing \
graphic \
height \
multi \
name \
objtype \
realm \
serial \
weight \
x \
y \
z \
#---character--- \
acct \
acctname \
ar \
ar_mod \
attached \
backpack \
candidate_of_party \
clientinfo \
clientver_detail \
clientversion \
cmdlevel \
cmdlevelstr \
concealed \
connected \
createdat \
criminal \
cursor \
damage_cold \
damage_cold_mod \
damage_energy \
damage_energy_mod \
damage_fire \
damage_fire_mod \
damage_physical \
damage_physical_mod \
damage_poison \
damage_poison_mod \
dead \
delay_mod \
evasionchance_mod \
followers \
followers_max \
frozen \
gender \
getcorpse \
gold \
guild \
guildid \
gump \
hidden \
hitchance_mod \
ip \
isUOKR \
luck \
movemode \
murderer \
opponent \
paralyzed \
party \
partycanloot \
poisoned \
prompt \
race \
reportables \
resist_cold \
resist_cold_mod \
resist_energy \
resist_energy_mod \
resist_fire \
resist_fire_mod \
resist_physical \
resist_physical_mod \
resist_poison \
resist_poison_mod \
shield 	Armor \
skillcap \
squelched \
statcap \
stealthsteps \
tithing \
title_guild \
title_prefix \
title_race \
title_suffix \
trading_with \
truecolor \
trueobjtype \
uclang \
warmode \
weapon \
#---npc--- \
alignment \
eventmask \
master \
npctemplate \
process \
run_speed \
saveonexit \
script \
speech_color \
speech_font \
use_adjustments \
#---item--- \
amount \
buyprice \
container \
damage_cold \
damage_cold_mod \
damage_energy \
damage_energy_mod \
damage_fire \
damage_fire_mod \
damage_physical \
damage_physical_mod \
damage_poison \
damage_poison_mod \
decayat \
desc \
equipscript \
invisible \
item_count \
layer \
movable \
newbie \
resist_cold \
resist_cold_mod \
resist_energy \
resist_energy_mod \
resist_fire \
resist_fire_mod \
resist_physical \
resist_physical_mod \
resist_poison \
resist_poison_mod \
saveonexit \
sellprice \
stackable \
tile_layer \
unequipscript \
usescript \
#---equipment--- \
hp \
maxhp_mod \
maxhp \
quality \
#---armor--- \
ar \
ar_base \
ar_mod \
onhitscript \
#---weapon--- \
attribute \
dmg_mod \
hitscript \
intrinsic \
#---lockable--- \
locked \
#---door--- \
isopen \
#---container--- \
#---corpse--- \
corpsetype \
ownerserial \
#---map--- \
gumpheight \
gumpwidth \
xeast \
xwest \
ynorth \
ysouth \
#---multi--- \
footprint \
#---boat--- \
has_offline_mobiles \
hold \
items \
mobiles \
portplank \
starboardplank \
tillerman \
#---house--- \
components \
custom \
items \
mobiles \
#---account--- \
banned \
enabled \
defaultcmdlevel \
name \
passwordhash \
uo_expansion \
usernamepasswordhash \
#---guild--- \
allyguilds \
enemyguilds \
guildid \
members \
#---array--- \
#---AuxConnection--- \
#ip \
#---Pol_Core--- \
all_scripts \
bytes_received \
bytes_sent \
combat_operations_per_min \
compiledate \
compiletime \
error_creations_per_min \
events_per_min \
instr_per_min \
iostats \
itemcount \
mobilecount \
packages \
priority_divide \
queued_iostats \
script_profiles \
skill_checks_per_min \
sysload \
sysload_severity \
systime \
tasks_late_per_min \
tasks_late_ticks_per_min \
tasks_ontime_per_min \
uptime \
version \
verstr \
#---script--- \
pc \
attached_to \
call_depth \
consec_cycles \
controller \
globals \
instr_cycles \
name \
num_globals \
pid \
sleep_cycles \
state \
var_size \
#---Dictionary--- \
#---error--- \
errortext \
#---Datafile--- \
#---Datafile_Element--- \
#---String--- \
#---Struct--- \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#++pol_core.em_filenames++++++++++++ \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
attributes \
basic \
boat \
cfgfile \
cliloc \
datafile \
file \
guilds \
http \
math \
npc \
os \
party \
polsys \
storage \
unicode \
uo \
util \
vitals \

# *******************************************************************************
# 			  KEYWORD LIST 3:
# 		      Function calls & Methods
# *******************************************************************************
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#++definitions_&_base_commands++++++ \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#---vars--- \
array \
const \
struct \
dictionary \
#---definitions--- \
var \
include \
use \
program \
endprogram \
function \
endfunction \
#---logics--- \
and \
in \
or \
default \
not \
case \
endcase \
if \
else \
elseif \
endif \
#---loops--- \
enum \
endenum \
dowhile \
while \
endwhile \
for \
endfor \
foreach \
endforeach \
return \
break \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#++POL_Core_Constants+++++++++++++++ \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#--attribut.em--- \
attribute_lock_up \
attribute_lock_down \
attribute_lock_locked \
attribute_max_base \
#---basic.em--- \
trim_left \
trim_right \
trim_both \
#----cliloc.em----- \
_default_clfont \
_default_clcolor \
#---datafile.em--- \
df_keytype_string \
df_keytype_integer \
#----file.em---- \
log_datetime \
#-----npc.em----- \
say_texttype_default \
say_texttype_whisper \
say_texttype_yell \
say_lang \
say_doevent_disable \
say_doevent_enable \
face_normal \
face_force \
#---os.em--- \
scriptopt_no_interrupt \
scriptopt_debug \
scriptopt_no_runaway \
scriptopt_can_access_offline_mobiles \
#----polsys.em---- \
msglen_variable \
#---unicode.em--- \
_default_ucfont \
_default_uccolor \
journal_uc_print_name \
journal_uc_print_you_see \
#---uo.em--- \
crmulti_ignore_multis \
crmulti_ignore_objects \
crmulti_ignore_worldz \
crmulti_ignore_all \
crmulti_facing_north \
crmulti_facing_east \
crmulti_facing_south \
crmulti_facing_west \
lh_flag_los \
lh_flag_include_hidden \
fp_ignore_mobiles \
fp_ignore_doors \
vendor_send_aos_tooltip \
listenpt_hear_ghosts \
items_ignore_statics \
items_ignore_multis  \
list_ignore_z \
listex_flag_normal \
listex_flag_hidden \
listex_flag_ghost \
listex_flag_concealed \
tiledata_flag_background \
tiledata_flag_weapon \
tiledata_flag_transparent \
tiledata_flag_translucent \
tiledata_flag_wall \
tiledata_flag_damaging \
tiledata_flag_impassable \
tiledata_flag_wet \
tiledata_flag_unk \
tiledata_flag_surface \
tiledata_flag_bridge \
tiledata_flag_stackable \
tiledata_flag_window \
tiledata_flag_noshoot \
tiledata_flag_prefix_a \
tiledata_flag_prefix_an \
tiledata_flag_internal \
tiledata_flag_foliage \
tiledata_flag_partial_hue \
tiledata_flag_unk1 \
tiledata_flag_map \
tiledata_flag_container \
tiledata_flag_wearable \
tiledata_flag_lightsource \
tiledata_flag_animated \
tiledata_flag_nodiagonal \
tiledata_flag_unk2 \
tiledata_flag_armor \
tiledata_flag_roof \
tiledata_flag_door \
tiledata_flag_stairback \
tiledata_flag_stairright \
mapdata_flag_none \
mapdata_flag_moveland \
mapdata_flag_movesea \
mapdata_flag_blocksight \
mapdata_flag_overflight \
mapdata_flag_allowdropon \
mapdata_flag_gradual \
mapdata_flag_blocking \
mapdata_flag_more_solids \
mapdata_flag_walkblock \
mapdata_flag_move_flags \
mapdata_flag_drop_flags \
mapdata_flag_all \
moveobject_normal \
moveitem_ignoremovable \
moveobject_forcelocation \
journal_print_name \
journal_print_you_see \
resurrect_forcelocation \
movetype_player \
movetype_coremove \
movetype_corecreate \
insert_add_item \
insert_increase_stack \
delete_by_player \
delete_by_script \
enumerate_ignore_locked	\
enumerate_root_only \
findsubstance_ignore_locked \
findsubstance_root_only \
findsubstance_find_all \
te_cancel_disable \
te_cancel_enable \
te_style_disable \
te_style_normal \
te_style_numerical \
sysfind_search_offline_mobiles \
tgtopt_check_los \
tgtopt_nocheck_los \
tgtopt_harmful \
tgtopt_neutral \
tgtopt_helpful \
polclass_uobject \
polclass_item \
polclass_mobile \
polclass_npc \
polclass_lockable \
polclass_container \
polclass_corpse \
polclass_door \
polclass_spellbook \
polclass_map \
polclass_multi \
polclass_boat \
polclass_house \
polclass_equipment \
polclass_armor \
polclass_weapon \
race_human \
race_elf \
_default_text_font \
_default_text_color \
_default_realm \
realm_britannia \
realm_britannia_alt \
realm_ilshenar \
realm_malas \
realm_tokuno \
action_dir_forward \
action_dir_backward \
action_norepeat \
action_repeat \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
#++Client.inc_Constants+++++++++++++ \
#+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \
# I did not include these as my shard's client.inc file is not standard \
# The format for entering these values is the same as above so you should have \
# no trouble adding them yourself. \

# statement.indent.$(file.patterns.pascal)=5 case catch class default do else for then \
# private protected public struct try union while type
# statement.end.$(file.patterns.pascal)=10 ;
# statement.lookback.$(file.patterns.pascal)=20
# block.start.$(file.patterns.pascal)=10 begin
# block.end.$(file.patterns.pascal)=10 end
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Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by Naglfar »

Distro Developer
Posts: 2825
Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:41 pm

Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by Yukiko »

A Scite user! That makes two of us : )
You are welcome.
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Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by timginter »

Make it three :) Huge thanks!
Distro Developer
Posts: 2825
Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 1:41 pm

Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by Yukiko »

Great! Scite users have increased by 50%!!!

I intend to update this soon. I believe there have been additions to the POL Core since I last posted this.

By the way, if anyone has an idea how I can get the latest version of Scite to always use monospaced font in the editor please PM me. I can't seem to get it to default to monospaced font when opening a new file. Version 1.53 did just that but later versions don't.
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Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by xeon »

Yukiko, you know I'm too an aficionado of Scite ;)
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Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by Yukiko »

Xeon, I probably did know that but thanks for reminding me.

I think Scite is probably one of the easiest IDEs to use. I've looked at several other solutions but none of them offer everything that Scite does. My only complaint with Scite is that the later versions don't keep the "use monospaced font" setting when opening files. I suspect that is a bug.
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Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by Yukiko »

I posted a question regarding my monospaced font issue on the Scite bug tracker. I was told that the checkbox was disabled because it was intended as a short term change to check layout. I asked if there was a way to make it an option in the Global properties file and Neil Hodgson posted the settings to properly implement using monospaced fonts. So I thought I'd post the info here just in case I am not the only one who wants that ability. Load your Global properties file and search for font.base= it should be just below the line if PLAT_WIN. I pasted the following settings at that place and then commented out the original lines that that had duplicate settings.

Settings for monospaced font:

Code: Select all

Before the edit:

Code: Select all

	font.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:9
	font.text=font:Times New Roman,size:11
	font.embedded.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:8
	font.monospace=font:Courier New,size:10
	font.vbs=font:Lucida Sans Unicode,size:10
After the edit:

Code: Select all

#	font.base=font:Verdana,size:10
#	font.small=font:Verdana,size:8
#	font.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:9
#	font.text=font:Times New Roman,size:11
#	font.text.comment=font:Verdana,size:9
#	font.embedded.base=font:Verdana,size:9
#	font.embedded.comment=font:Comic Sans MS,size:8
	font.monospace=font:Courier New,size:10
#	font.vbs=font:Lucida Sans Unicode,size:10
Your Global file may be slightly different depending on your version of Scite. I am using version 3.3.0
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Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by xeon »

Uoaaaaaaaaaa latest scite + monospace font :drooling:

You're the best Yukiko :*
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Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by Yukiko »

Well, you can thank Neil rather than me.

I guess I am just old fashioned but I think source code looks best when displayed/printed with monospaced fonts. In my opinion I think monospacing should be the default in an IDE.
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Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by xeon »

Mmm I installed the latest scite 3.3.4, I've checked that it already include an escript.properties file, but when I open a .src file I don't get syntax colored highlighting, my text is all black, I don't understand why o_o
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Re: POL 0.98 eScript.properties file for Scite editor

Post by Yukiko »

Open the SciTEGlobal.properties file and look for the section beginning with:
# The open.filter setting is used in the file selector which has a menu of filters to apply
# to the types of files seen when opening.
Add the following to that section if it isn't there already:

Code: Select all

Next look for the line:
Make sure this line is in the list that follows:

Code: Select all

Make sure this line is in the list that follows:

Code: Select all

Last (I think this is the last thing :) ) look for the section that begins:
# Newly removed: ave baan escript lot metapost mmixal
# The set of imports allowed can be set with
Make sure this line is in the list under that section:

Code: Select all

import escript
Some of those missing lines might be there but are commented out. I don't know why they commented eScript out of the Global properties file.

That should enable the lexer for eScript and get the highlighting to work.

God, I love SciTE but I HATE its cryptic properties files!

Remember when creating a new eScript file to add the .src extension when saving it or SciTE will save it without an extension. You are supposed to be able to set it to default to *.src files by selecting eScript from the Language menu but sometimes that doesn't work.

Let me know if you are still having syntax highlighting problems.

[Edit] One more thing...
Look for the section that begins:
# To keep menus short, these .properties files are not loaded by default.
Make sure that eScript is NOT in the list of properties files that follow.

You may still have to select eScript from the Language menu when you first run SciTE to get highlighting for eScript files working.
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