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eScript Caching Solution

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2009 10:11 pm
by andenix
I know that many scripters do "cache" some of thier data in cprops (or locals) which otherwise would be resolved by long, iterative lookups. Therefore I came up with a unified solution. I am not sure if it will be helpful, but I used it a lot when I scripted for POL shards.

Suppose you need to find an account name by its emal (via account prop):

The code then looks like this:

Code: Select all

function FindAccountByEmail( email )

  var account;

  foreach acctname in ListAccounts()
    account = FindAccount( acctname );
      if( account.getprop("email")==email )
        return account;

  return error{errortext:="No account with email "+email+" found.."};

which takes a linear time O(N) lookups (not very efficient with ~15k+ accounts at your Shard)

if you rewrite it to use caching, it will take NLog(n) (or whatever lookup POL dictionaries have; I expect them to be BTrees) which is considerably faster.

Code: Select all

function FindAccountByEmail( email )

  var account;
  if(not IsCacheHitDatafile( "acct_by_email", email ))
    foreach acctname in ListAccounts()
      account = FindAccount( acctname );
        if( account.getprop("email")==email )
          CacheInDatafile(  "acct_by_email", email, acctname )   
          return FindAccount( GetLastCached() );       
    return FindAccount( GetLastCached() );

  return error{errortext:="No account with email "+email+" found.."};

Hopefully some of you will find it as useful as I did ..

Re: eScript Caching Solution

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 6:52 pm
by tartaros
are you sure it's a good idea to pass output values by global variable in a multithreaded environment?

Re: eScript Caching Solution

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 11:55 pm
by andenix
Well, it seemed to be the fastest way while keeping the complexity at bay.
If you don't the code will be twice as long (and slow).
I am not sure if I got the multithreaded part .. There should not be any race conditions. Well, technically.