The vendor says it cannot afford anymore of that... why??

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The vendor says it cannot afford anymore of that... why??

Post by Marzullo63 »

How is this implemented?
I kept my pg selling platemail gloves for hours and now the vendor complains...
How is implemented this check?
How could I avoid it?

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Re: The vendor says it cannot afford anymore of that... why??

Post by Yukiko »

I didn't find any reference to merchants affording things in the 0.97 Distro but in the 0.95 Distro you will find the check of vendor's available gold in \pol\scripts\ai\merchant.src starting near line 78. Following is the section where that is handled. Note line 2 in the code snippet below if(GetObjProperty(inv_rs, "MyGold") >= 1000).

Code: Select all

                                      if(GetObjProperty(inv_rs, "MyGold") >= 1000)
                                        var count := ModifyPCSellList(merchant_type, (ev.source));
                                        if(count >= 1)
                                          var res := SendSellWindow(ev.source, me, inv_fs, inv_pb, inv_1c);
                                          PrintTextAbovePrivate(me, "You dont have anything I would be interested in.", ev.source);
                                        PrintTextAbovePrivate(me, "I cannot afford any more of that", ev.source );
This was implemented to make the game more "realistic" because in real life stores that buy second hand merchandise don't have unlimited funds. So someone has to buy stuff from the vendor to replenish her gold funds. I didn't check to see if the gold restocks itself like inventory does.