After seeing ThisIsMe's post in the "Mounts" topic in the Scripting Help forum I looked for the animation for a Tarantula (animation number 1401) using UO Fiddler and found that its list of animation numbers don't go above 999.
UO Fiddler might need updated for ToL client
Moderator: POL Developer
Re: UO Fiddler might need updated for ToL client
Attached is an updated animationlist that I did. (a rough hack of the client moblist.txt and the existing animationlist.mxl)
problem is that Fiddler does not read all the animations even if they are in the xml. I think it may be that the newer animations are in the uop files and not the mul files.
Re: UO Fiddler might need updated for ToL client
Yeah I don't know exactly how Fiddler works but you might be right about the UOP thing. However, someone who knows C# or whatever Fiddler source code is written in might take a look at it and make sure the code doesn't impose an upper limit on animations it will read in.
Re: UO Fiddler might need updated for ToL client
Hello all! Any update on this? I see Fiddler is still getting updates, which is fantastic! Just wondered if there were any updates on getting all of the mobiles in Fiddler.
Re: UO Fiddler might need updated for ToL client
It's on my todo list but not on my priority list so I can't give you any date right now.