Moderator: POL Developer
Re: Mounts..
From the distro's svn:
I think this is the most updated.
Code: Select all
// If this element exists, and if Tiles exist within it, then those tiles with the graphic IDs
// listed will be considered to be mounts by uoconvert and will set the layer to be the
// mount layer and it will set the tile to be equippable.
Tiles 0x3e90 0x3e91 0x3e92 0x3e94 0x3e95 0x3e97 0x3e98 0x3e9a 0x3e9b 0x3e9c 0x3e9d 0x3e9e 0x3e9f 0x3ea0 0x3ea1 0x3ea2 0x3ea3 0x3ea4 0x3ea5 0x3ea6 0x3ea7 0x3ea8 0x3ea9 0x3eaa 0x3eab 0x3eac 0x3ead 0x3eaf 0x3eb0 0x3eb1 0x3eb2 0x3eb3 0x3eb4 0x3eb5 0x3eb6 0x3eb7 0x3eb8 0x3eba 0x3ebb 0x3ebc 0x3ebd 0x3ebe 0x3f6f
Re: Mounts..
have one more - 0x3ec5 (polar bear)
Re: Mounts..
We found this thread while trying to make polar bears mountable. I'm not too familiar with all the additions in each UO expansion but my son said "they", OSI, EA Games or whoever, added polar bears as mountable in one of the expansions. We have been trying to get it to work using various methods from threads (only 3 were found on these forums searching for "polar bear") and nothing seems to get us mounted with the graphic. Either we get a regular character without the mount speed increase or the regular character with the mount speed increase. We don't even get the "invisible mount" effect, ie. character with bowed legs.
Has anybody been successful getting this to work? I don't want to add a new animation for mounted polars. I want to use the one in the client if it's still in there. I'm thinking maybe it was, and it was removed.
Client version I'm using is HS Classic Version
Also, I am posting here my case statement from tamed.src for two reasons. First, for anyone who doesn't have some of the additional mounts that I have, they can glean from it and add to their mountables. Second, can someone "in the know" tell me if I am missing any mounts that should be there?
[Added] - Here's a reference to rideable polar bears from UO:Guide.
Has anybody been successful getting this to work? I don't want to add a new animation for mounted polars. I want to use the one in the client if it's still in there. I'm thinking maybe it was, and it was removed.
Client version I'm using is HS Classic Version
Also, I am posting here my case statement from tamed.src for two reasons. First, for anyone who doesn't have some of the additional mounts that I have, they can glean from it and add to their mountables. Second, can someone "in the know" tell me if I am missing any mounts that should be there?
Code: Select all
case(me.graphic) // Animation
0xcc: mounttype := 0x3ea2; // Horse1
0xc8: mounttype := 0x3e9f; // Horse2
0xe2: mounttype := 0x3ea0; // Horse3
0xe4: mounttype := 0x3ea1; // Horse4
0xdc: mounttype := 0x3ea6; // Llama
0xD5: mounttype := 0x3f6f; // Polar bear - Doesn't work!!!
0xd2: mounttype := 0x3ea3; // Desert Ostard
0xda: mounttype := 0x3ea4; // Frenzied Ostard
0xdb: mounttype := 0x3ea5; // Forest Ostard
0xB1: mounttype := 0x3ea7; // Nightmare
0x75: mounttype := 0x3ea8; // Silver Steed
0x72: mounttype := 0x3ea9; // Nightmare
0x73: mounttype := 0x3eaa; // Ethereal Horse
0xAA: mounttype := 0x3eab; // Ethereal Llama
0xd2: mounttype := 0x3eac; // Ethereal Ostard
0xC3: mounttype := 0x3e97; // Ethereal Giant Beetle
0xC2: mounttype := 0x3e98; // Ethereal Swamp Dragon
0xC1: mounttype := 0x3e9a; // Ethereal Ridgeback
0xBF: mounttype := 0x3e9c; // Ethereal Kirin
0xC0: mounttype := 0x3e9d; // Ethereal Unicorn
0x78: mounttype := 0x3eaf; // War Horse (Blood Red) warhorse5
0x79: mounttype := 0x3eb0; // War Horse (Light Green)
0x77: mounttype := 0x3eb1; // War Horse (Light Blue)
0x90: mounttype := 0x3eb3; // Sea Horse (Medium Blue)
0x74: mounttype := 0x3eb5; // Nightmare
0xB2: mounttype := 0x3eb6; // Nightmare 4
0x84: mounttype := 0x3ead; // Kirin
0x76: mounttype := 0x3eb2; // War Horse (Purple)
0x7A: mounttype := 0x3eb4; // Unicorn
0xB3: mounttype := 0x3eb7; // Dark Steed
0xBB: mounttype := 0x3eb8; // Ridgeback
0xBC: mounttype := 0x3eba; // Ridgeback, Savage
0x319: mounttype := 0x3ebb; // Skeletal Mount
0x317: mounttype := 0x3ebc; // Beetle
0x31A: mounttype := 0x3ebd; // SwampDragon
0x31F: mounttype := 0x3ebe; // Armored Swamp Dragon
Re: Mounts..
One more question: Are the mount tiles mount specific or can any mount tile be used for any mount so long as they are unique to a mount and not used more than once?
Re: Mounts..
Hi Yukiko
That is pretty-much the question I was asking here > viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5947&p=23400#p23400
eg: As it stands the tile 0x3e90 is a raptalon mount, but the only thing I can find with fiddler is the ship deck graphic, so I do not understand how it is a raptalon graphic.
I removed all the "mount to tile" mappings and went through the list in uoconvert.cfg one by one, assigning them to various mounts. Each time I used 0x3e90 the mount changed to a raptalon when I mounted it, then back to whatever it was when I dismounted.
0x3f6f seemed to be a glitch as it was an invisible mount that I could not dismount from.
I listed the findings from mounting each graphic in my post, it matches what you have from your script pretty well.
Maybe there are other graphics that fiddler does not read or display, I also was just curious as to where the mount tile graphics are extracted from.
That is pretty-much the question I was asking here > viewtopic.php?f=9&t=5947&p=23400#p23400
eg: As it stands the tile 0x3e90 is a raptalon mount, but the only thing I can find with fiddler is the ship deck graphic, so I do not understand how it is a raptalon graphic.
I removed all the "mount to tile" mappings and went through the list in uoconvert.cfg one by one, assigning them to various mounts. Each time I used 0x3e90 the mount changed to a raptalon when I mounted it, then back to whatever it was when I dismounted.
0x3f6f seemed to be a glitch as it was an invisible mount that I could not dismount from.
I listed the findings from mounting each graphic in my post, it matches what you have from your script pretty well.
Maybe there are other graphics that fiddler does not read or display, I also was just curious as to where the mount tile graphics are extracted from.
Re: Mounts..
POL has used sections of ship graphics as mounttiles for a long time. I don't think it's the tile type that makes a difference except that uoconvert singles out the tiles listed by Nando during the building of tiles.cfg and adds the necessary flags to them for POL to recognise them as equipable. I suspect they were chosen because players are not likely to double-click a section of the deck and because they wanted the small statues of mounts to be just statues that players could display without any other reason than Role Play. If the statues were used as a mounttile then anyone could enter a house and, if they were friended etc. to the house, double-click the statue and run away with the mount. This is of course speculation on my part why ship tiles were used. Anyway, we even tried editing a graphic of our own choosing in tiledata.mul and adding the wearable and layer info to it and still got no polar bear mount.
Thanks for responding.
Thanks for responding.
Re: Mounts..
There is nothing magic inside the server based on the uoconvert.cfg. these entries just force the specific layer 25 plus the equipable flag for these items. (If your tiledata.mul already contains these settings this is practically unnecessary)
That means that no further special handling in the core is needed to equip such an item to count as mounted.
The magic happens in the client. The client itself has some kind of hard coded list to map these weird objtypes to the visible mount animation. I guess they chose these objtypes to prevent the possibility that due to a small mistake in the server logic a player could equip such items.
That means that no further special handling in the core is needed to equip such an item to count as mounted.
The magic happens in the client. The client itself has some kind of hard coded list to map these weird objtypes to the visible mount animation. I guess they chose these objtypes to prevent the possibility that due to a small mistake in the server logic a player could equip such items.
Re: Mounts..
Just to say to Yukiko that we added many mounts. In general, you have to have
- graphics inside the files, obviously
- tell uoconvert that they are mounts
- put them in pol .cfg files
- (this is the trick) put them also in scripts handling mounting
We got heavily customized scripts, but I can share to you some relevant code if you need, ping me in private in case.
- graphics inside the files, obviously
- tell uoconvert that they are mounts
- put them in pol .cfg files
- (this is the trick) put them also in scripts handling mounting
We got heavily customized scripts, but I can share to you some relevant code if you need, ping me in private in case.
Re: Mounts..
Thanks Xeon.
I am using the tiles that Nando posted as the mount type because they are processed by uoconvert and the proper flags are added as they are written to tiles.cfg. They work just fine. I have added the necessay info to my tamed AI script. However 2 mounts don't work properly, the polar bear and one of the nightmares, ObjType 0x74. The polar bear is supposed to be mountable so I am at a loss. For now I've pulled the nightmare from my npcdesc.cfg file and removed both from my tamed AI script.
The nightmare isn't a big issue because we have the other 3 nightmares but I'd like to get the polar bear working.
I am using the tiles that Nando posted as the mount type because they are processed by uoconvert and the proper flags are added as they are written to tiles.cfg. They work just fine. I have added the necessay info to my tamed AI script. However 2 mounts don't work properly, the polar bear and one of the nightmares, ObjType 0x74. The polar bear is supposed to be mountable so I am at a loss. For now I've pulled the nightmare from my npcdesc.cfg file and removed both from my tamed AI script.
The nightmare isn't a big issue because we have the other 3 nightmares but I'd like to get the polar bear working.
Re: Mounts..
Hi Yukiko
My polar bear also did not work, but I have now fixed that today. Make sure your uoconvert.cfg contains the right mount tiles (I had to add the polarbear 0x3ec5 at the end).
After that you MUST run uoconvert again to generate the cfg files. I had previously tried to edit the tiles.cfg file manually but must have missed something.
the rest depends on your script base. With the *Edwards scripts I had to edit \pkg\items\mounts\config\mounts.cfg to add the mapping between mount and tile.
Worked for me after that. the key was the uoconvert.cfg and re-running the conversion.
My polar bear also did not work, but I have now fixed that today. Make sure your uoconvert.cfg contains the right mount tiles (I had to add the polarbear 0x3ec5 at the end).
Code: Select all
// If this element exists, and if Tiles exist within it, then those tiles with the graphic IDs
// listed will be considered to be mounts by uoconvert and will set the layer to be the
// mount layer and it will set the tile to be equippable.
Tiles 0x3e90 0x3e91 0x3e92 0x3e94 0x3e95 0x3e97 0x3e98 0x3e9a 0x3e9b 0x3e9c 0x3e9d 0x3e9e 0x3e9f 0x3ea0 0x3ea1 0x3ea2 0x3ea3 0x3ea4 0x3ea5 0x3ea6 0x3ea7 0x3ea8 0x3ea9 0x3eaa 0x3eab 0x3eac 0x3ead 0x3eaf 0x3eb0 0x3eb1 0x3eb2 0x3eb3 0x3eb4 0x3eb5 0x3eb6 0x3eb7 0x3eb8 0x3eba 0x3ebb 0x3ebc 0x3ebd 0x3ebe 0x3f6f 0x3ec5
the rest depends on your script base. With the *Edwards scripts I had to edit \pkg\items\mounts\config\mounts.cfg to add the mapping between mount and tile.
Code: Select all
Elem MobileToMount
// Mobile graphic -> Mount tile graphic
0xC8 0x3e9f //horse
0xD5 0x3ec5 //PolarBear
Elem MountToMobileGraphic
// Mount graphic -> Mobile graphic
0x3e9f 0xC8 //horse
0x3ec5 0xD5 //PolarBear
Re: Mounts..
Thanks very much gh0sterZA!
That fixed my issue.
I'm curious how you discovered the missing mount tile?
That fixed my issue.
I'm curious how you discovered the missing mount tile?
Last edited by Yukiko on Mon May 01, 2017 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Mounts..
Thank you for Infos, i have bears too now:)
Re: Mounts..
long weekend
ArmouredBoura annimation 432 Tile 0x3ec6
Tiger annimation 1254 Tile 0x3ec7
EtherealTiger annimation 1255 Tile 0x3ec8
unknown 0x3ec9
Since the PolarBear was 0x3ec5 I tested all tiles from 0x3ec0 to 0x3ecf and found these three extra mount tiles. I think these are Stygian Abyss creatures so you will need at least that client, I am using Time of Legends.
Add the three tiles to your uoconvert.cfg at the end of the mounts section, recreate the tiles.cfg and edit per your script base (mount.cfg or tamed.scr...).
oops, forgot to post 0x3ec9, not yet found the creature annimation or name.
ArmouredBoura annimation 432 Tile 0x3ec6
Tiger annimation 1254 Tile 0x3ec7
EtherealTiger annimation 1255 Tile 0x3ec8
unknown 0x3ec9
Since the PolarBear was 0x3ec5 I tested all tiles from 0x3ec0 to 0x3ecf and found these three extra mount tiles. I think these are Stygian Abyss creatures so you will need at least that client, I am using Time of Legends.
Add the three tiles to your uoconvert.cfg at the end of the mounts section, recreate the tiles.cfg and edit per your script base (mount.cfg or tamed.scr...).
oops, forgot to post 0x3ec9, not yet found the creature annimation or name.
Re: Mounts..
Thanks again gh0sterZA!
You're just a 'fount of mount' information!
You're just a 'fount of mount' information!
Last edited by Yukiko on Mon May 01, 2017 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Mounts..
Well, the three new NPCs aren't working right for me. All three are invisible. There's an NPC there but I can't see it. I get the message "you see a tiger" or whichever of the three I've created and my tamed horse gets attacked but there's no animation visible. My account is set to HSA, My UOFeatureEnable is set to 0x1A0, and I'm using HSA Classic client so...I don't know what's going on. I didn't find a tiger in the animations in 'Fiddler either. I looked under 'felines' and in in the "T"s.
Help if you can
Help if you can
Re: Mounts..
It may be that the graphics are not in HSA. I don't know the order of release of the expansions.
In my client folder is a mobtypes.txt that has these listed under "UOSA".
The file also references a "1401 ANIMAL 1000 #Turanchula_Mount" .. (tarantula ?) but I cannot find a graphic for that.
Try change the animation of any npc to "432", the ArmouredBoura animation. If the npc goes invisible then your client does not have the graphics (time to upgrade ).
I also found the name and graphic for the 4th mount.
Ancient HellHound 1069 (0x42d) mount tile 0x3ec9.
In my client folder is a mobtypes.txt that has these listed under "UOSA".
The file also references a "1401 ANIMAL 1000 #Turanchula_Mount" .. (tarantula ?) but I cannot find a graphic for that.
Try change the animation of any npc to "432", the ArmouredBoura animation. If the npc goes invisible then your client does not have the graphics (time to upgrade ).
I also found the name and graphic for the 4th mount.
Ancient HellHound 1069 (0x42d) mount tile 0x3ec9.
Re: Mounts..
My son tells me it's possible the tigers are from the ToL client which I don't have.
The ToL client is only $19.00 US from EA. Any idea how EA handles it when you buy the game? Is it a simple download or do you have to install a game delivery system like Steam? I don't want to have to install another game manager. I heard that was how EA was doing it these days. As you can tell I'm not much of a gamer
Thanks for the hellhound info.
The ToL client is only $19.00 US from EA. Any idea how EA handles it when you buy the game? Is it a simple download or do you have to install a game delivery system like Steam? I don't want to have to install another game manager. I heard that was how EA was doing it these days. As you can tell I'm not much of a gamer
Thanks for the hellhound info.
Re: Mounts..
Not sure about the fee, I downloaded the client from the homepage ... 0_24_0.exe and was not charged anything.
Install and patch, then I used "sump" to remove the client encryption. ... 32&t=38230
I think boberski also has a prepatched copy on the testshard homepage.
Install and patch, then I used "sump" to remove the client encryption. ... 32&t=38230
I think boberski also has a prepatched copy on the testshard homepage.
Re: Mounts..
Thanks. I will install it tomorrow, errr... later today. It's after 4 AM here so got to get some sleep.
Re: Mounts..
The tarantula mount:
tile 0x3ECA
graphic: 0x579
Thanks for the other info with regards to mounts, hope this helps someone out there.
tile 0x3ECA
graphic: 0x579
Thanks for the other info with regards to mounts, hope this helps someone out there.
Re: Mounts..
gh0sterZA, ThisIsMe
can you tell me about your experience with newest clients and pol?
which version do you use? Which features are working, what is broken?
Gargoyles, Smooth boats movement, custom housing, animations etc.?
I am thinking about switching from 6.0.13 to 7.0.++, but not sure now..
can you tell me about your experience with newest clients and pol?
which version do you use? Which features are working, what is broken?
Gargoyles, Smooth boats movement, custom housing, animations etc.?
I am thinking about switching from 6.0.13 to 7.0.++, but not sure now..
Re: Mounts..
Hi RusseL
I am using client Patch 66
I complied the polcore sometime last week and am using the *Edwards distro as base.
I don't however run a shard but just fiddle around for my own amusement.
The boat smooth movement does work but I would not put that down as a reason to upgrade.
New Tiles and Animations are nice if you have time to create the new object or NPC scripts.
I am using client Patch 66
I complied the polcore sometime last week and am using the *Edwards distro as base.
I don't however run a shard but just fiddle around for my own amusement.
The boat smooth movement does work but I would not put that down as a reason to upgrade.
New Tiles and Animations are nice if you have time to create the new object or NPC scripts.