Setting up a login server.

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Distro Developer
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Setting up a login server.

Post by Yukiko »

Recently on Discordance we had a question regarding running a test server along with a main server. The individual runs two servers, his main game play server and a test server. He wanted to know if the test server could be in the server selection screen for players to log-in to it from his main server. Thereby not needing to change their login info (port number) each time they wanted to test things. The answer is yes.

This is how. On the login server, let us assume you are using port 3333 and on your test server you are using port 7777 and let us say your IP is, and I am going to use an invalid IP here, Your servers.cfg for the login server would look something like this:

Code: Select all

	Name	LoginServer
	Port		3333

	Name	TestServer
	Port		7777

In your login server's uoclient.cfg be certain to set the KeepClients setting to 0 for the login server listener.

Your test server's servers.cfg should look something like this:

Code: Select all

	Name	TestServer
	Port		7777

The uoclient.cfg on your test server should be setup as usual.

Also, keep in mind that the account credentials, eg. username and password, need to be identical on the test server to what they are on the login server. If the account exists on the login server but not on the test server the client will show a warning that your info is incorrect.
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