A Few Feature Requests

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POL Developer
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Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:08 pm

A Few Feature Requests

Post by Tomi »

Im lazy to make many posts for these. Nando told most of these are on his TODO list for 099 :P

- Fix to repsys and Aggressors
.SetAggressorTo( mobile ) starts the timer from repsys.cfg
.Aggressors should return an array of the aggressors to that mobile
and when the timer runs out it should remove it from the .Aggressors
after long thinking that should be the easiest and best way to handle it, because right now we have no control of what happens
when the timer run out, and if not using repsys hooks we have almost no control of the aggressors at all.

- R/W _mods to Stamina consuming in movecost.cfg ( Should remember Turley looked into this )
Some way to get the values from functions etc instead of just the hardcoded values in the config.

- R/W _mods to MaxWeight and MaxItems for containers. ( This should explain it all :D )

- Encrypted clients support in the core.... ( opens up many possibilities )

- MoveMode A for NPC's ( Flying birds, dragons etc )
Pol should ignore Z coordinates up to GetMapInfo( x, y, realm := _DEFAULT_REALM ).z + 15 or something like that.
Functions from NPC.em should be changed to have a new z parameter ( optional )
WalkTowardLocation( x, y );
WalkAwayFromLocation( x, y );
RunTowardLocation( x, y );
RunAwayFromLocation( x, y );

if ( z_coord_now < z in the function ) move npc chosen x / y and z+1
if ( z_coord_now > z in the function ) move npc chosen x / y and z-1

The following functions should do the similar thing when moving toward objects ( no Z parameter though )
just check the npc z coordinate that should be moved and the target object z coordinate

WalkToward( object );
WalkAwayFrom( object );
RunToward( object );
RunAwayFrom( object );

And make the NPC have forced "running" animation when moving in the AIR.
With those changes we could implement flying npc's to our scripts easily.

- cfg options to party system.
RemoveMemberOnLogoff 0/1
RejoinPartyOnLogon 0/1 ( only if RemoveMemberOnLogoff = 1 )

- NPCs to use the method .SetWarmode( 0/1 ); instead of NPC.em function SetWarmode()
NPCs to use the method .SetWarmode( 0/1 ) instead of NPC.em function SetWarmode() and removal of that function from npc.em