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Art is getting messed up

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:23 am
by Yukiko
Something odd is happening with UO Fiddler.

I am trying to add custom art to the High Seas client. This is the classic client (as far as I can tell). I use the "replace" function to add art to an empty slot. Then I save the fie, in this case the gumpart file, and copy that to the HS folder. I then delete the gupart UOP file and use Fiddler to convert the MUL files to the gump UOP file. Now when I launch UO the paperdoll gump art is corrupted.

Here are the images from start to finish:
The original artwork:

Now here is how it looks in UO Fiddler when I've added it to the gump art:

Here is how it looks in Ultima:

At this point I am wondering if there's something corrupted in my client files. So I exported the art back out from Fiddler and this is what I get:
Keep in mind that in Fiddler this item looks fine but when it is exported I get the corrupted image.
I am having similar problems with the tile art as well.
Has anyone else had this problem?

Thanks for any help you can offer

Re: Art is getting messed up

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:56 am
by Tomi
Remove the "truwhite" color from the pic if you are using .bmp format iirc you need to convert it from 0 0 0 to 3 3 3 for it to not show trasnparency but I think Turley can give you a more specific answer on that.

But the problem occurs when Fiddler is using "truewhite and trueblack" colors as transparency when handling .bmps

Re: Art is getting messed up

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:02 am
by Yukiko
I assume I'd use an image editor for this Tomi?

Re: Art is getting messed up

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 1:22 am
by Yukiko
I figured out how to do what you suggested. Thanks Tomi. You saved the day again.

Here's what I did to correct the issue. My original artwork was in the form of BMP files. So I used MS paint to save the files as TIFF files. One issue with MS Paint is it saves the TIFF files as *.tif and Fiddler wants the second "t" (tiff) in the extension otherwise it won't see the file when you try to import it. :P Time to find a different paint program.

Re: Art is getting messed up

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:08 am
by Tomi
You just save it as .tif and rename the extension to .tiff
Same files different naming of extensions

Re: Art is getting messed up

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 2:29 am
by Yukiko
Right. There's a bit more I had to do for some of the files. For example some of the imported TIFF files had a rectangular border around them. With those I had to load in the BMP file to paint, sample the transparent "colour", and then load in the TIFF and bucket fill the area that is supposed to be transparent.

I swear I am not going through this again! If a new client is released that I can't use the old art files with I'm doing an item wipe to get rid of our custom art and we'll just live with it. :P

Utilities like UO Fiddler are terrific but they're quirky and adding art isn't an easy one or two step process. I suppose it could be if the utility is written with that in mind but Fiddler wasn't. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate all the work that went into it. I am grateful that Turley created the program. Without Fiddler we'd be out of luck with adding anything to the latest client. However, I wish there was an easier way to add wearables.

Anyway, thanks for all the help and especially thanks to Turley.