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Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:11 am
by ThisIsMe
So I'm working on a runic Atlas, it saves a struct cprop on the textbook of each rune in the book where each entry of a single rune stores the color, name, x, y, z, realm of the rune. I currently have a Runic Atlas with 17 runes in it and when I try to properly the book it crashes my client.

If I proposed anything else it works as intended, with that being said I'm not sure if this is a bug or not but has anyone else with a relatively long struct on an object had this issue or is it just me?

Re: Propedit

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 4:38 pm
by DevGIB
Do you mean when you use the .propedit command and it loads the struct as a string its causing the client to crash?
I'm guessing there might be an issue with the way the client handles gump strings and if they get too long they cause a problem.

I haven't seen it with structs but i have had issues in the past with cprops getting truncated when the core packs them, if the cprop in its packed form is over a certain character limit, but that was just an issue for recalling information at the end of the packed cprop and didn't cause the client to crash.

I'm not sure how the runic atlas is supposed to work so i'm not sure exactly of the fix, Maybe you could instead do a cprop of the name which contains a struct of all the other information and then you just have multiple cprops that you'd have to iterate through rather than gaining access through a struct with the name?

Otherwise build a gump specifically for reading/editing the runic atlas that moves each struct element into its own text line to stop it from overloading and crashing the client?

Re: Propedit

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:37 am
by ThisIsMe
The I believe it has to do with the length, everything works fine, I finished it last night except for of course using propedit on the book and a new wholly new issue where the server crashes but this has to do with a function I wrote and I think is likely my fault but that's a different story for a different thread.

As for writing a propedit command, I'm tempted, though it'd probably be a project for a future time.

As for how a runic Atlas works, it's essentially a runebook but holds 48 runes instead of 16. There's some minor usage differences but nothing that would effect this situation.